Thursday, January 10, 2013

Buffalo Chicken

This buffalo chicken recipe is a favorite of ours!

We had sandwiches with leftover french rolls from last nights french dip sandwiches. And it will become Buffalo Stuffed Shells tomorrow. My plan is to freeze a bit so we can also make the Buffalo Chicken Garbage Bread. I will do some minor alterations to these recipes since my chickken is already infused with Frank's Red Hot Wings Sauce.

I find it so funny how much I love Buffalo Wing sauce! Even though I really dislike eating actual wings!

Meal Plan for January :)

Here is my Pinterest inspired DIY meal plan dry erase board! I printed out the template I posted about earlier in the week and stuck it in a document frame from the Dollar Tree!

So far we have been pretty good about sticking to our plan! Monday we veered off course cause we went to Costco and got a precooked prime rib and scalloped potatoes. I served some corn on the side.

I have been wanting to try the "best broccoli of your life" off Pinterest, and my it is amazing! I made it tonight with a head of cauliflower and it was the star of the meal! I need to try it with zucchini and asparagus as well!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Monthly Menu Template

As I am getting my menu all organized I wanted to find a calendar to use to display my menu. I am going to make a family plan wall that has a regular calendar, a menu calendar and a couple other spots for info.

This monthly menu is adorable!

Off to watch my Oregon Ducks play in their bowl game!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Part of why I wanted to start this blog was to help keep me on track with meal planning. I have all our dinners planned through February. I'll type them up eventually.

Yesterday we bbq'd with my husband's brother which was nice. So there wasn't a plan for dinner. But we did make breakfast yesterday.

A typical breakfast on days my DH is off is some sort of potato with eggs. It is his job to make the potatoes, he is just so much better at it than I am! The eggs are a pretty simple mix. We make 4 eggs for the three of us, scrambled with some cheddarwurst sausage (Hillshire Farms in the "U" not the regular hot dogs, there is a huge difference) and a little cheese thrown in at the end.

Here are the eggs! Note we were boiling the second pot of water for our french press, we were rebels and stayed up a little late for New Year's.

Here are my husband's potatoes. He did the easy route today with homefries. There is an onion in there, some red and russet potatoes, butter and spices. We normally swear by Cavender's but were out this morning.

What I did have planned for today was a slow cooker meal. I needed to use the last bits of the Christmas ham, so I am doing my absolute favorite slow cooker meal! Smoky Split Pea Soup! Normally I use the ham hocks it calls for, but I made this with the leftover ham last year and it was just as delicious. Although, I don't feel the celery adds anything so I have just started adding an extra carrot. I'd never had split pea soup before this recipe, and apparently my husband was not a fan - but we both like this! I will serve it with some garlic rolls I have from the freezer. Josephine did like this at some point, but her tastes are always changing so we will see how it goes.

And here's a sneak peek! Mmmmm...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013



I have started this blog to help with some new goals of mine. I want to be a better planner with my meals and shopping. I also just want to get my house better organized and get it refreshed. I thought that if I had a place to document the steps, it might help nudge me along the way!

I am a stay at home mom/Lia Sophia advisor. I have a 20 month old girl, Josephine, and a husband Jesse. We live in Oregon and have a pretty quiet life.

Happy New Years! I look forward to keeping this going!
